Pre Army arrangements
During Service
Pre Army arrangements
For those coming to join Mahal. The Ministry of Defence requires that you to arrive at least 2 months early. Garin Mahal is currently working to create a Mahal House which will accommodate all future enlistees before their draft. Until it is built, here are a few different options available:
Garin Mahal Pre Military Program – Garin Mahal offers a 4 week pre military Program before each draft in the IDF. The Program includes full room and board. For more info see – Yeshiva Options:
Aish HaTorah - located in the Old City of Jerusalem - - Aish HaTorah has an amazing staff with a wide range of classes which will take you on an exploration of your heritage. What a better way to prepare for the IDF then to learn in the Old City of Jerusalem. Check out the Essentials Program.
Machon Meir – - is located near the bridge at the entrance of Jerusalem. The Yeshiva is majority Israelis. They also have a Hesder Yeshiva and a great ulpan. Located in the beautiful neighborhood of Kiryat Moshe. The amazing spirit and brotherhood will elevate you before your IDF service. Machon Meir has a Hebrew and English Program.
Ohr Sameach - - Located near Hebrew University. Ohr sameach offers a wide range of programs for beginners to explore Judaism.
Non Yeshiva Options
The Heritage House - - The Famous Heritage is located in the Old city of Jerusalem. Heritage House provides free safe and comfortable lodging for young Jewish travelers and students in Jerusalem so that they can best experience and develop their connection with Judaism and the Jewish People.
Bet HaHayal - - Bet Hahayal have locations all over Israel. Many have swimming pools and weight rooms. During your service you can stay there. It is possible to also lodge there even before your service once you have finished your tzav rishon. You must speak to the Mashikat Tash (IDF social worker) at the enlistment office for arrangements. If you need help contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kibutzim – If you are willing to commit to at least 3 months it is possible to volunteer on a kibbutz. For more info contact – During ones service it is possible to reside on a kibbutz without any commitment. See below kibbutzim.
Apartments – Obviously it is possible to start renting an apartment. If you need help renting an apartment or finding roommates. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the Micael Levine Lone Soldier Center at for more info.
Living Conditions during service in the IDF
Kibutzim – Kibbutz accommodations are designed specifically for soldiers serving in closed units (only go home on various weekends/leaves). The kibbutz will provide lone soldiers with laundry and food service, furnished rooms, a kitchenette, and a bathroom with a shower. Additionally, to encourage absorption into the kibbutz framework, a soldier who lives on kibbutz will be entitled to a kibbutz grant of 150 NIS. To receive placement on a kibutz you can contact Tzvika Levi, Micael Levine Lone Soldier Center - or call the Kibutzim directly. Here is a link to view all of the kibbutzim and their contact info -
Adopted Family – There are many wonderful families who open their houses to lone soldiers. They offer them a place to live, home cooked meals and an attentive ear while in the IDF. Families are available all over Israel. If you are interested in receiving an adopted family contact Beit Cham or the Micael Levine Lone Soldier Center
Bet HaHayal – - - A lone soldier may lodge permanently free of charge at one of the Soldier's Welfare Association's lone soldier houses located throughout the country in Kiryat Shmona, Tiberias, Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Beer Sheva & other cities. The soldier will receive laundry and food services at these facilities.
Apartment – The IDF subsidizes Lone soldiers with 1050 NIS a month to rent an apartment. The most preferred choice amongst lone soldiers is to rent together with a few friends an apartment. There are many ways to locate an apartment in Israel and find roommates. Once you know the area that you would like to live in the next step is to find roommates. You can contact garinmahal for possible roommates or the Micael Levine Lone Soldier Center. In addition the Micael Levine Lone Soldier Center offers free Furniture for lone soldiers. For more info contact For those that make Aliya additional rent subsidy is provided by the Israeli Government for more info visit
Bayit shel Benji - – The House of Benji is an amazing dormitory facility located in Raanana. The housing is specifically designed for Lone Soldiers.
Bayit shel Kobi – – For those serving in the Givati Unit Beit Koby has 3 apartments in the Givatayim area that accommodate lone soldiers. The apartments are fully furnished and maintained for the soldiers.
Yeshiva/Mechinot – There are a number of Yeshivot and Mechinot that are waiting to adopt lone soldiers and provide them with warm meals and living conditions while in the IDF. In addition you will receive a spiritual charge while on release. For more info contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.