Gibush Tzanchanim
Gibush Yachatiyot,Maglan,Duvdevan,Moran,Yahalom,Oketz,Rimon,Egoz and Yamas
Gibush Shayetet
Gibush Sayeret Matkal,Sheldag,669
Gibush Tzanhanim
Gibushim Tzanchanim (This gibush is also the first step to Duvdevan.) During the gibush certain individuals will be earmarked to take the Duvdevan gibush which is referred to as me-ootar duvdevan.
Hativat Tzanchanim (Paratrooper Regiment) is the only infantry regiment that requires a gibush (tryout). In order to participate in the gibush you need to have a 82 -91 profile. There is a special gibush for Olim called gibush olim which takes place during Michva ALon. During the gibush you will be competing against olim. Tzanchanim reserves around 25 spots for olim each draft.
The duration of the Gibush is a day and a half.
The Gibush consists of 3 parts:
2 kilometer run
Shetach (field exercises) Interview
You will arrive around 8 in the morning the first day. Participants are registered and checked out by a physician. In the afternoon lunch is served. You will be given a questionnaire about yourself. The questionnaire is designed to test your honesty. It will ask you repeated questions about yourself for example are you honest all the time? After a few hours a 2 kilometer run. Those that do not run under 10:30 are eliminated from the gibush. This run is used to separate the participants into groups. Dinner and sleep.
Around 4 in the morning the physical portion of the gibush begins (shetach)Shetach includes: Sprints, Socieometric stretcher runs, crawling, sandbag runs, hanging on pull up bars, social exercises, team mission assignments designed to measure one’s ability to work in teams and leadership skills are some of the tests. Recently the duration of the shetach is around 3 – 4 hours.
Personal interview – A Reservist form Paratroopers will interview you. Some of the questions he will ask you is of course why you want to serve in Tzanchanim. In addition he will ask you background questions about yourself.
Those that perform exceptionally well with the war spirit and extreme motivation and determination on the tryout will become mutar Duvdevan (marked for Duvdevan) and will be invited to try out for Duvdevan.
There is also another option to get into tzanchanim – if you finish the gibush to one of the elite units i.e. sayeret matkal, shayetet, tayas or hovlim and received a good score but did not get accepted can request to serve in tzanchanim without taking any further gibush on condition that you pass an interview with one of the commanding officers of tzanchanim.
What are they looking for on the gibush?
Physical stamina Will Power Leadership skills Performance under pressure General Knowledge Creativity Honesty
Unfortunately if you get drop or get injured on the gibush you will not be able to get a second chance.
Gibush ‘Yachatiot’ (Lit. units) referring to the special units of each regiment for example Orev, Pulsar, Pulhan and palchik for Golani, Nahal, Tzanhanim and Givati. And the gibush for Rimon, Egoz, Maglan, Oketz , Yahalom, Yamas, Pulsar 7 , Lotar and Moran.
After arrival to one of the Infantry units, Handasah Kravit, magav, Shiryon or Totchanim. The regiments invite all enlistees who desire to participate in their gibush usually within the second week of basic training.
The gibushim are performed in military uniform and boots. The duration of the gibushim are for 3 days and are similar amongst all of the regiments.
Gibush Yachatiot are known for being some of the hardest gibushim in tzahal.
The gibush is comprised of sprinting, crawling, running with sandbags, treks with the stretchers, sleep deprivation, team assignments and navigation exercises.
The long duration of the gibush allows the testers who are members of the units to test the depth of each participant and their determination. The gibushim are very intense and it is recommended to prepare before the IDF.
Remember after 24 hours of physical exercises your shape plays a small role since everyone is already broken down. The main factor is determination and motivation.
During the Gibush the testers look for the following:
Physical stamina Will Power Leadership skills Performance under pressure General Knowledge Creativity
After the physical element of the gibush. The participants have a personal interview and a social evaluation. After a few days the result will be publicized
It is important to remember you only have one chance if you drop out or are injured you will not be given another chance.
Gibush Shayetet
If you received an invitation to the Shayetet gibush from yom sayerot. You will first be required to an intense medical examination followed by a psychometric exam. If everything is proper you will begin the gibush.
The duration of the gibush is 4 days.
Gibush Shayetet is considered one of the hardest gibushim in the IDF. The gibush includes fast paced treks on sand which requires great difficulty. Based on statistics very few finish the gibush.
There are two dates for the gibushim usually in March and July.
The following are some Details of what to expect on the gibush:
Day 1:
2 kilometer run and basic exercises followed by an early night sleep.
Day 2:
This is essentially when the gibush begins. Wake up is at 3:30 in the morning. One of the commanders will yell get ready for a masa. The masa begins while wearing a vest and a rifle. Some individuals carry the stretcher while it is folded. (This is pleasing in the eyes of the testers.) Afterwards the stretcher is opened and carried with sandbags on it. A dunk in the sea and breakfast. Next a class is given on how to dismantle the M60 and some group exercises are given. Certain individuals are asked to speak about different topics. After lunch swimming exercises which consist of around 100 meters each direction. Followed by the same thing however blindfolded. The goal is to see one’s ability in water and how many times you need to take off the mask to look where you are. Next is some mental exercises for example facing down on the sand with your head in the water with a snorkel. That night there are a lot of drills and immersions in water followed by sleep.
Third day:
Wake up at 3:30 – you have 5 minutes to be ready with equipment. The masa starts slow at the beginning and the pace constantly increases. It is important to stay at the pace of the tester or he will return to the starting place and repeat the exercise. (This can break people mentally). Next is some navigation exercises followed by pool exercises including – dismantling a rifle under water, diving and swimming with minimal breathing, ring diving blindfolded 5 meters. Next is a night drill (sounds easy?) followed by digging ditches and then a discussion with the testers. In the morning you will be notified if you passed. Statistically out of 250 who start the gibush half finish. Out of the 125 that start the training around only a third will finish.
What are they looking for on the gibush?
Physical fitness Determination and strength Teamwork skills Technical skills Water ability
How to prepare for the physical tests:
Running on sand dunes Running up hills Swimming and immersion in the sea Joinin a gibush training group
In order to serve in shayetet one has to have perfect health. Eyeglasses or colorblindness will disqualify you.
Eating carbohydrates like pasta rice and bread in order to give you volume and wide shoulders that well help you carry heavy weight.
Eat proteins which will give you energy to recuperate after workouts and build muscles. Tuna, fish, chicken and eggs.
If you finish the gibush however are not accepted you will be given a choice to serve in one of the Special Forces usually Maglon, Egoz or Duvdevan. On condition that you pass an interview with a commanding officer of that unit.
Gibush Matkal, 669, Sheldag
In order to participate in one of these gibushim you need to attend yom sayerot and receive an invitation.
Gibushim for these units are offered twice a year. Usually in April and November. The duration of the gibush is 4 days. Members of these units serve as the testers on the gibush.
Each unit has their own characteristics that they are looking for.
Participants wear an army uniform and are given a rifle for the entire gibush.
The gibush is comprised of sprinting, crawling, running with sandbags, treks with the stretchers, sleep deprivation, team assignments and navigation exercises.
There are at least 2 long treks on the gibush including stretchers. Participants carry big bags on their backs called tadalim. They are not comfortable and add weight which creates a difficulty. The treks are usually performed on sand.
There are many teamwork activities which are designed to measure ones teamwork skills. And leadership skills especially under pressure. In addition participants are also tested in camouflage learning skills, interviews and many other exercises.
In the middle of the gibush individuals are removed that are not suitable or do not have a chance to pass the gibush (generally individuals who have disciplinary problems or lack of fitness) There are also individuals that drop from the gibush on their own accord.
Those that are accepted will receive an invitation to begin training. 669 requires an additional examination which is designed to test ones performance in water.
If you finish the gibush however are not accepted you will be given a choice to serve in one of the Special Forces usually Maglon, Egoz or Duvdevan. On condition that you pass an interview with a commanding officer of that unit.
What are they looking for on the gibush?
Physical fitness Determination and strength Teamwork skills Technical skills
How to prepare for the physical tests:
Running on sand dunes Running up hills Joining a gibush training Eating carbohydrates like pasta rice and bread in order to give you volume and wide shoulders that well help you carry heavy weight. Eat proteins which will give you energy to recuperate after workouts and build muscles. Tuna, fish, chicken and eggs.