Housing Benefits

Apartment Rental/Maintenance

Rental SubsidyIf a lone soldier decides to live an apartment on his or her own, the army provides a monthly rental subsidy up to 1050 NIS. Lone soldiers may also receive financial assistance to help pay for housing maintenance costs. It is possible to get payments for rent up to a maximum of 3 months in advance if the rental contract mandates payment in advance.

Furniture and AppliancesIf your apartment does not have the basic furnishings that you need (bed, refrigerator, washing machine, couch, table and stove), lone soldiers can request to receive furniture from the army through his or her Mashakit Tash (Support Service Non Commissioned Officer). The MashakitTash (Support Service Non Commissioned Officer) will visit the lone soldier’s home before the army evaluates this request. It is important to note that different units have different resources, but most of the time, the army is able to provide you what you need. You may keep the items you receive from the army after completing your service.

Municipal/Local Tax Exemption: Lone soldiers, like all other soldiers, do not have to pay local/ municipal taxes during their service, and for four months after discharge. You must submit a request to obtain this exemption at your local authority/ municipality along with a certificate of service (issued by the town officer) and a copy of your lone soldier's card.

Kibbutz Accommodations

Kibbutz accommodations are designed specifically for soldiers serving in closed units (only go home on various weekends/leaves). The kibbutz will provide lone soldiers with laundry and food service, furnished rooms, a kitchenette, and a bathroom with a shower. Additionally, to encourage absorption into the kibbutz framework, a soldier who lives on kibbutz will be entitled to a kibbutz grant of 150 NIS.

Shared Apartments with other Lone Soldiers

Lone soldiers may also lodge in a shared, fully furnished apartment with other lone soldiers provided by the Soldier's Welfare Association, free of paying rent or taxes. A soldier who receives approval to lodge in the apartment is obligated to take care of the equipment in the apartment and evacuate it upon discharge or whenever it is demanded of him.

Adopted family

For those interested the IDF will arrange an adopted family for a lone soldier. Adopted families are available throughout Israel. The lone soldier will live with them in their home and enjoy the warmth of a family.