The Kfir Brigade (Hebrew: חֲטִיבַת כְּפִיר), also known as the 900th Brigade, is one of the most recent Infantry Corps regiments in the Israel Defense Forces. It is part of the the Central regional command. They are known as the “rulers of Judah and Samaria.”
Kfir 900 Brigade is the youngest division in the IDF; it was formed in the late 2005. The "90s Battalions were founded in the 1990s to carry out special operations in the Judah and Samaria and Gaza and as an accompanying force to tanks in wartime. During the second Intifada it was decided to merge the battalions into one brigade to serve as designated infantry battalions that would serve in fixed areas. On December 6, 2005, the brigade was formally established with the 90s Battalions unified into a single, regular service brigade.
There are 6 Battalions in the Division
Nachshon Battalion 90
The Nachshon Battalion patrols the Tul Karem and Kalkilya territories.
Shimshon Battalion 92
Shimshon Battalion was re-established in 1997, which combined the “Pine” and “Ashbel” infantry companies - operating at that time. The battalion served for a long time in the Gaza Strip, where they destroyed dozens of terrorists, made arrests and protected the communities in the Gaza Strip. Famous for their continuous protection accompanied by many casualties - of the Netzarim settlement. The battalion is currently in charge of the city of Bet Lechem.
Haruv Battalion 93
The battalion was re-established in 1995, and its name is derived from the the legendary Special Forces Charuv brigade. The battalion is in command of the city of Shecem. In 2003, the battalion received a medal of honor for their successful operations in Samaria.
Duchifat Battalion 94
The battalion was re-established in 1990 as a result of the Oslo Accords, it is named after the Special Forces Duchifat Battalion which was part of the historical Harel Brigade connected with the establishment of the state. The battalion was among the forces that arrested the high profile terrorist Marwan Barghouti.
Lavi Battalion 96
The battalion was established in 2001.The Battalion is in charge of the Mountain South of Hebron a particularly problematic area.
Netzach Yehudah (Formerly the Nahal Haredi Battalion)
Netzach Yehuda is the first ultra-Orthodox army battalion. The battalion is responsible for the Jordan Valley and recently the city of Jenin.
Acceptance to kfir
There is no “Gibush” (tryout) for the Kfir Brigade. Acceptance is determined by availability and request
Medical Profile
Profile combat (82 and over).
Length of service required for Machal
18 months
Tour of Duty
Tour of duty includes counter-terror operations, arrests of Palestinian militants, patrols, manning checkpoints and regular security activities.
Area of Tour of Duty
Tul Kerem, Jenin, Hebron, Bet Lehem, Scem, Ramallah, Kalkiya, Jordan Valley, Gaza.
A few days after arrival to the division's training base, one can tryout for Special Forces “Oketz” or “Lotar”
Basic training includes 4 months of basic training class 05 rifleman and two months of advanced training class 07 rifleman. Basic training focuses on the principles and foundations of the rifleman with unique emphasis on individual training. Basic training takes place at the Cfir training center in the Jordan Valley. The course takes the recruit through marksman classes, basic field navigations training, open space warfare training, helicopter deployment training, special weapons and physical fitness training,krav maga as well as general education classes Advanced training lasts an additional 3 months and is conducted in the field for the most part. Through 13 weeks of training the recruit goes through close quarters battle training, guerrilla warfare, hummer training, APC training, grenade training and of course parachute training. Throughout training, the recruits begin to take part in some of the regular security tasks around the brigade's bases and throughout Israel's borders. At the end of advanced training the men qualify as class 07 riflemen. At this point of the training long marching exercises are a part of the norm and in advanced training the terrain becomes evermore engaging and challenging. Being an airborne brigade, Joint military exercises between the brigade and the IAFare also held. Close quarter training takes place over a week spent mostly in the field practicing breaching techniques Advanced training ends with a fully equipped 50 - 90 kilometer march after which the graduates are awarded their prestigious camouflage berets at a festive ceremony held with the graduate's families and other honored guests.
After completing advanced training, soldiers join the various battalions to continue training and tour of duty.
Carbine M14
Camouflaged and white striped
Sword with wings
Spotted Beret, brown boots, pin Warrior battalion, regimental badge.