Kaba is an acronym for kivutzat aicut (quality group) The score is predominantly based on the psychometric tests taken at the Tzv rishon (first draft). Based on your kaba score the IDF will decide your intelligence level and which positions suite you. If your kaba score is to low you will not be allowed to participate in yom sayerot There is no way to change your kaba score – first impression is your only impression.
What is the kaba score comprised of?
The kaba score is comprised of 3 parts for Israeli Men and only two parts for women and olim/Mahal volunteers because they do not do the personal interview called
The three parts are:
DAPAR –The dapar is 50% of the kaba for men and 60% for women. Dapar stands for Dirug Psicotecni rishoni – these are the psychometric tests that you do at the tzav rishon
TZADAK – is 33% of the Kaba for men and o% for women. Tzadak is tzion dirug clali. This is the first interview for men.
TZHAR - HaTzahar comprises 17% of the kaba for men and 40% of women. Tzahar (tzion hascalah rishoni) Initial Educational Score (TZOHAR) which represents the applicant's formal education, through number of years and quality of education. The higher your education the better your score.
What are the different kabah scores?
You can see the results of your kaba scores on the Kiosk HaMada Ishi on the Site Olim al Madim. Usually the scores are between 41 – 56.
Under 41 – not fit for the IDF.
41 until 43 – low score
44 until 47 – low score
48 until 51 – The average score amongst Israelis is 49. You can be a commander with this score but not a top ranking officer. You will also be ineligible to participate in yom sayerot.
52 until 54 – High score which will allow you to participate in yom sayerot. A score of 52 or higher (together with a DAPAR of 60 and up) will make it possible to join an officers' course.
54 until 56 – The highest scores which will open all the doors to you in the IDF.
Dapar is a battery of computerized psychometric tests
The psychometric tests for Israelis last for about 2 hours. For those with learning disabilities it is possible to get an extension of time. There are around 250 questions on these tests. The average time for a question is 30 seconds. The topics on the tests are divided by subjects. Each subject has his own time. There is a stopper clock on the screen of the computer during the tests. You can skip questions and go back within each test subject. However once you finish a test subject you cannot go back. You cannot eat during the tests and it is difficult to leave to go to the bathroom during the tests. So prepare beforehand. You are allowed to bring in a bottle of water however it is advised not to drink a lot so that you will not need to use the restroom in the middle.
All of the questions our multiple choice. Wrong answers are not penalized therefore it is preferable to guess than leave the answers blank. When you enter you will receive a piece of paper and a pencil to help solve the question. Calculators are forbidden.
What are the subjects on the tests?
Israelis take 4 tests. New immigrants only take 2 tests and in English.
Math: Basic math – subtraction, addition, fractions, percentages, algebra. The questions are not so difficult. The challenge is the time constraint.
Reading comprehension – 6 -12 lines each topic. With questions to be answered.
Instructions – fairly easy that desire concentration
Word analogies –
Shape analogies – reoccurring shapes etc.
The scores range in multiples of 10 between 10 and 90.
10 – 20 – These are the lowest scores. With theses scores you will not be able to serve in a combat role.
30 – 40 - You will be able to serve in a combat role but not as an officer or in a sayerot (special force).
50 – This is the average score. With this score you can be an officer and in a sayeret. As long as your kabah is also up to par.
60 – This is a good score that will allow you to even serve as a tayas. (fighter pilot)
70 – This is the minimum score which will allow you to get a 56 on your kabah. This score will allow you to enlist in the top intelligence units.
80 – Excellent! All of the doors are open before you
90 – You are a genius!! at least according to the IDF. You will be invited to the top intelligent units if you desire.
Tips for the psychometric tests (Dapar):
1 Do not leave any questions blank they do not take off points for wrong answers.
2 If you have a learning disabilities bring the valid documentations and the army will give you more time. Generally they will give you an extra 25% of additional time. Do not worry you will not be penalized for this in any way.
3 You can skip questions and return to them if you are in same test subject.
4 No calculators
5 You will receive a piece of paper – write small and save space for the math.
6 Bring your own pencil, the ones they give you are usually deteriorated.
7 Eat and drink before the test.
8 Use the bathroom before the test.
9 If you do not feel good do not start the test – once you start you cannot leave or retake the test.
10 If you have waited a long time at the draft office and feel tired do not take the test, request to come back at a later date.
11 Do not despair on the test if you feel frustrated take a deep breath and get back in the game!