About the "Bar Or" - The offical IDF fitness test
The "Bar Or" is the official IDF fitness test. It was invented by Professor Oded Bar Or. It serves a dual purpose, to allow commanders to evaluate the level of fitness of their soldiers and to enable each individual to gauge their own level of fitness. The test is usually conducted at least 3 times, at the beginning, middle, and end of training. Thus allowing one to see their fitness progress over time.
The current "Bar Or" consists of:
1) Pull - Ups (palms facing out) - Regular infantry are required to do at least 7 with a 7 kilo weighted vest. Special Forces are required to do at least 7 with a 15 kilo weighted vest.
2) Dips - Regular infantry are required to complete at least 11. (without weighted vest)
3) Trap Bar Jump Squats - 7 reps of 60 kilo
4) Sprints - 300 meter sprint ( usually performed after the 3 kilometer run) Sprinting in a straight line 150 meters then turning and sprinting back another 150 meters. Regular infantry must complet it under 50 seconds.
5) 3000 meter run (1.86 miles) - Regular infantry must complete it under 15:33 minutes in basic training and under 14:30 in advanced training.
All of the exercises are performed one after another with little to no rest in between. Generally the 3000 meter run is first however there are some units that do the run last.
There is no point system for the pull - ups, dips and squats. It is pass or fail.
There is a point system for the 3000 meter run. One must score at least 50 points to pass (under 15:33 minutes)
Below is the point system for the 3000 meter run:
15:34 Fail | Points | 12:47-12:53 | 75 |
15:27-15:33 | 50 | 12:41-12:46 | 76 |
15:21-15:26 | 51 | 12:34-12:40 | 77 |
15:15-15:20 | 52 | 12:28-12:33 | 78 |
15:08-15:14 | 53 | 12:21-12:27 | 79 |
15:02-15:07 | 54 | 12:15-12:20 | 80 |
14:55-15:01 | 55 | 12:09-12:14 | 81 |
14:49-14:54 | 56 | 12:02-12:08 | 82 |
14:43-14:48 | 57 | 11:56-12:01 | 83 |
14:36-14:42 | 58 | 11:49-11:55 | 84 |
14:30-14:35 | 59 | 11:43-11:48 | 85 |
14:23-14:29 | 60 | 11:37-11:42 | 86 |
14:17-14:22 | 61 | 11:30-11:36 | 87 |
14:11-14:16 | 62 | 11:24-11:29 | 88 |
14:04-14:10 | 63 | 11:17-11:23 | 89 |
13:58-14:03 | 64 | 11:11-11:16 | 90 |
13:51-13:57 | 65 | 11:04-11:10 | 91 |
13:45-13:50 | 66 | 10:58-11:03 | 92 |
13:38-13:44 | 67 | 10:52-10:57 | 93 |
13:32-13:37 | 68 | 10:45-10:51 | 94 |
13:26-13:31 | 69 | 10:39-10:44 | 95 |
13:19-13:25 | 70 | 10:32-10:38 | 96 |
13:13-13:18 | 71 | 10:26-10:31 | 97 |
13:06-13:12 | 72 | 10:20-10:25 | 98 |
13:00-13:05 | 73 | 10:13-10:19 | 99 |
12:54-12:59 | 74 | 10:12 100 |
"Bar Or" Garin Mahal Records: (while in the 6 week program)
3000 Meter Run
11:04 - Shneur Strauss (GM 2019)
Pull – Ups (with 7 kilo weighted vest)
20 - Nosson Horowitz (GM 2024)*
51 - Sky Nahum (GM 2021)
* The pull up test with a 7 kilo weighted vest was done for the first time at Garin Mahal in 2021.